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Discover the science behind dressing like a champion

Dress like a champion | #sayitinbold @boldornaked  | Bold AF blogs |

Years ago, the first impression I had of my best friend was, ‘you dirty whore’.

Clearly over time that view has changed, as she’s now my best friend and rarely, if ever, do I make friends with prostitutes.

That initial view was largely based on what she was wearing. To me, she looked cheap and slutty and acted like a real bitch. And that’s all it takes for most of us....a single glance and we’ve formed an opinion, and probably, not all the time, is it accurate.

Once we were friends I remember asking her why she’d dressed the way she did in those days and she told me it was because she felt unhappy and unattractive to boys. Now, I’m no psychologist but I reckon to varying degrees, those misplaced notions affect a lot of people.

And they do. It exists. And it’s got a name. Enclothed cognition.

Researchers define it as "the systematic influence that clothes have on the wearer's psychological processes” meaning we think our clothes speak to us, not about us.

What you wear can have a direct and immediate effect on how you feel. So, and this is the important bit - don’t dress the way you feel, dress the way you want to feel.

You wanna feel playful?  Dress in a playful way, you wanna feel confident? Same applies. You wanna feel sexy? Dress it.

What you wear is a powerful, non-verbal way to express your personality. Of course, make sure your body language reflects your style. Head held high, shoulders back ladies 😁

I’ve designed the Bold clothing collection to support this science. The feelings I want to help you achieve are, fun, playful, confident and sexy. You want some uniqueness but without people staring. You want to feel comfortable and at ease when you wear them, and I really hope once you put them on, they reflect you as a person and the feelings you’re wanting to achieve.

#sayitinbold  @BoldorNaked

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